The Fox Union V2.0

Boggled by some of the content of the Fox Union?
Have all your questions answered right here!

NOTICE: Once the new website is completed, this page will be removed.


The 411 on the Fox | The Golden Fox Himself | The Hit List | The &#*@ List! | It's not just for foxes anymore!!! | Fox & Mouse Relationships | Fox & Mouse Relationships II | Other Relationships | Fox/Human Relationships | Fox/Human Relationships II | Fox Generations | The Colors of Vulpes | Super Quiz Rules and Answers | Super Quiz V 2.1 | Fox Union Gallery | Biography Section | Biography Section II | Biography Section III | Biography Section IV | Fox Links | Cartoon Links | FOX UNION FAX

The "it's not just for foxes anymore" page...

Vulpes: latin for fox (I.E.: Vulpes vulpes=Red Fox)

Gallery Page

Super Saiyan (DragonBall Z): Goku, Gohan, etc.
Don't know who they are...Never heard of DBZ??? go to via

Vince McMahon (WWF CEO/Owner): Stuck up jackass who is jonsin' for an ass-kicking!

Ben Stein (Comedian): Talks like Droopy, Host of Win Ben Stein's Money!

Links Page

Webring: A sub-directory listing the names of websites related to a certain topic.

Biography Section II page

The Galaxy (The name on Jennie's shirt): This is the nightclub that she works at during the workweek.

This Page

Jonsin' (pardon my spelling): asking for (I.E. The guy is jonsin' for a fight.)

Fox Valley High Page

Mall of America (Bloomington, MN): 2nd largest mall in the world.

Mason Island: As the name suggests, this is the home of Michael A. Mason and his family
Size: About that of Minnesota
Population: about 200 million (about 50% Foxes)
