The C-Files
Episode 8-9
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***Vulpine Anatomy (Biological Weapons)***

Like humans, there are occassions where Vulpines need to defend themselves (or their families).  Although there are a wide variety of mechanical weapons, most Vulpines can use the weapons they were born with that were passed on to them from their non-anthro ancestors.
Canine Species
Teeth: All canines (except collared foxes) have very sharp canine teeth and have very strong bite and hold power (Large domestic dogs and wolves have the most power, most foxes have the least power*)
Claws: All canines have some sort of claws on their hands and feet, while most canines have short and permanent claws, foxes have retractable claws (which are the sharpest and strongest of all the canine species).
Ambush Techniques (wild canines): Wild canines have a natural ability to sneak up behind an enemy undetected and then use their other natural weapons to fight.
Controlled Rabies (most foxes and some coyotes): A part of their immune system, foxes and coyotes have the ability to control the rabies virus inside of them and usually only activate it whenever they really need to.  The virus is harmless to those who contain it or to others that are immune to it (almost all other Vulpines and some Vulpes-born humans).  On a 1-5 scale of severity, most foxes and coyotes have Level 3 Rabies (which is considered normal Earth strength...see table in Episode 8-9b).  Collared foxes do not have rabies.
Fire Sacs (Fire Foxes, Blue Vixens, and ALPHA Golden Foxes only): Small sacs located above the lungs in where a fox can generate fire that is capable of reaching in excess of 5,000 degrees (10,000 in ALPHA Golden Foxes).
Electrical Charge (Blue Vixens and ALPHA Golden Foxes only): Foxes that have a strong enough electric charge that they can generate and/or control lightning.
Hemotoxins and Neurotoxins (ALPHA Golden Foxes only): Specifically desiged venom that is meant to be injected along with their Level 5 rabies and an unidentified plasma that is highly acidic.  These toxins are designed to destroy blood vessels and/or nerves leading to a quick and extremely gruesome death if untreated.  Fortunately, ALPHA Golden Foxes very rarely use their super-charged venom.
Feline Species
Teeth: All felines have very sharp and powerful canine teeth.  While domestic cats don't have a high amount of bite power, wild cats (particularly lionesses and tigresses) do have a strong bite and grip potential.
Claws: All felines have retractable claws, a feline's claws are quite sharp and strong.
Ambush Techniques: Felines (particularly wild cats) are very effective at ambushing their enemies and then using their other natural weapons to fight.
Rodent Species
Teeth: Although rodents are generally vegetarian and rarely bite, their buck teeth are very sharp and can cut deep into flesh (Mice with fox characteristics also have high bite and hold power).
Claws (Mice w/fox characteristics only): Retractable claws that are strong and sharp
Ambush Techniques (some mice): Mice that learn how to use their long and flexible tails can hang from them from above and then surprise an enemy by dropping from above.
Fire Sacs and Tails (Fire mousettes only): Mousettes with fire sacs in their tail and above their lungs capable of generating fire.  The tail can be as hot as 2,500 degrees, while the fire from their fire sacs can be up to 5,000 degrees.
Electrical Charge (Pure White Mousettes only*): Mousettes that have a strong enough electrical charge to generate and/or control lightning.
Controlled Rabies (some Mousettes, Squirrels, and Rabbits): About 1 in 10 squirrels have controlled rabies (usually level 1 or 2), about 1 in 50 rabbits have controlled rabies (again usually level 1 or 2); Fire mousettes, mousettes w/vixen characteristics, and Pure White Mousettes have controlled rabies (usually level 2 or 3, Pure White Mousettes have level 4)
Hooved Species
Antlers (Bucks only): Every year upon reaching puberty, bucks grow antlers that fall off at the end of the mating season and begin growing shortly thereafter.  Each year, the antlers grow longer and stronger until the buck reaches his reproductive peak (usually around 30).
Legs: Hooved species (particularly horses) have strong legs that can generate a lot of kicking force.  Horses also have hoof-like feet that are semi-rigid that can do a lot of damage.
All others
Kangaroos: Very high kicking power, Powerful Tails
Raccoons: Teeth, Claws, Controlled Rabies (usually level 3 in males, level 4 in females)
Seals: Long and Sharp permanent claws
Dolphins and Orcas: Powerful Tails
Pandas: High bite force
Bears: Teeth, Permanent Claws, Very High bite force
Kangavixens: Claws, high kicking power, Powerful Tails
Hedgehogs: Sharp quills (defensive mode only), Level 5 Controlled Rabies
Minks: Teeth, Controlled Rabies (usually Level 2)
Meerkats: A few have controlled rabies (usually Level 1)
To be continued in Episode 8-9b (click next page button)

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*: Fire Foxes, Blue Foxes, and ALPHA Golden Foxes have stronger bite fact, ALPHA Golden Foxes have a bite force that is equal to that of wolves.
*: In case you haven't looked at Episode 3 or 5, Melissa inherited the spirit of a Pure White Mousette before she was born so she will (eventually) become a Pure White Mousette.  I will explain how she got this in Episode 5.  In addition, even though they weren't born in the same litter, Abigail has inherited some of Melissa's electrical charge and has limited control of electricity, but nowhere near as much as her sister has.